Ion Cleanse is an external detoxification method, which removes toxins through your feet. The body detoxifies while you are comfortably seated with you feet placed in a container of warm water. This is a very efficient way to remove toxins accumulated by the body regardless of where they are located. The Ion Cleanse process generates a stream of positive and negative ions which attract and attach themselves to oppositely charged toxic particles that draws them out of the body through the skin. Each session takes approximately 30 minutes. The ion generator, called an array, is place in the water along with the feet or hands, and the power supply delivers a small amount of direct current into the array, in combination with water, and salt, to generate positively and negatively charged ions.

The human body is like a giant magnet that attracts and holds toxins. Heavy metals, partially oxidized fats, unassimilated proteins, cholesterol deposits, uric acid, plaque, lactic acid and the vast array of chemicals that permeate our water, air and food attach themselves in an ionized form to the joints, organs, arteries, nerve and tissue. These toxins can disrupt normal body functions creating an environment for disease, allergies and immune system problems.